Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I set here with my hands on the keyboard
Trying to find an opening for my next piece
I think of several things--my friends, my life, my world, my streets, my car, my kids, my wife, my desk, my coffee, my paper holder, my cd's, my students' cd's, my 25 Starbucks cards, my killdisk, my Ubuntu, my blue bag, my camcorder, my nosehair, my booger, my glasses, my pimples, my pores, my scars, my nipples, my toes, my router, my lamp, my t.v., my XboX, my Halo, my juice, my kids, my laptop, my VP, my tv, my Halo, my books, my food, my cookies, my fridge, my limes, my enchilada sauce, my tamales, my chiles verde...........................................


My senses sans one

I taste the salt
I smell the ocean
I feel the sun
I ......cannot hear the wind
I ......cannot hear the waves crashing
I.......cannot hear the barking of the sand

I taste the sugar from my Pepsi
I smell the aluminum
I feel the fizz on my tongue
I ......cannot hear the "pop" as I open the lid
I ......cannot hear the sizzle as the bubbles rise
I ......cannot hear myself gulping down the sludge

I taste her make-up on her neck
I smell the shampoo in her hair
I feel the voluptuous twins
I ......cannot hear her moan
I ......cannot hear her sigh
I ......cannot hear her say "I love you".

I taste the paint on my lips
I smell the acrylic wafting up my nose
I feel the pain as I am hit
I ......cannot hear the gunfire
I ......cannot hear my enemies
I ......cannot hear them scream

Just off the top o' me head

I'm staying home today.
Son's sick--eyes and nose bleeding green
Ain't gonna let him run around at school
and make everyone else sick
even when I don't even know what it is
but I don't care
because we just don't know anymore
what anything is
All we see and hear
Is what the news pump out
What do we believe anymore? I don't know
Is it me? or is it that everyone is blind
blind to the hypocrisy of everything and everyone
around us
Sometimes I think back
to when we were children
young, innocent and full of life
We are not children
We are not adults
We are not teenagers
but strangers
We are strangers to ourselves
We no longer remember what we
were like as children
We no longer remember how
to laugh at things so benignly simple
Instead, we come to fear
judgment by others and our own selves
Who are we to be afraid of what others think and feel?
One little bad word and your career's ruined
Infidelity is the norm with our leaders
art thou not a wonder of our morals?
Morals do not exist
Not anymore
Nor does our Earth
Nor do we
Nor does anything else
We are nothing but absurd
Sentenced to the same fate as Sisyphus
Maybe then pretty soon we all will
face the wrath of God
As He decides to wipe the Earth clean
in 40 days and nights of rain
a Cataclysm of unfathomable proportions
If we can survive, perhaps then we can act out
"I am Legend"
But as you all well know
the world is just full of shit
We are shit
We are no longer true to ourselves
as we destroy us and others and our world
from birth to death
we hasten our pace
so that our oblivion may come sooner